Monday, September 9, 2024

Melbourne Candid Series #819 Collins St


The stories on the pedestrian walk

Sony A7RV

FE 50mm f1.2 GM

Check out Candid 570


  1. Great deal of action on this busy street corner. Must be in an Asian part of town.

  2. Such a great photo! Some people are waiting the traffic light turns green (main subject of the photo), while two people were crossing the street on the right side.

  3. It's impossible I think to get pictures without people on their cell phones. A teenage son and father sit next to hubby and I at the Ohio State Football games. The kid is on his phone 95% of the time. Don't think he see's much of the game.

  4. Me gusta especialmente el encuadre dejando que la foto "respire" por la derecha

  5. My mother told me that when she was in New York, a relative told her when she saw a skyscraper at night: in every light there is a problem...
    Good shot

  6. I love people watching. Trying to figure out what's going on in their lives.

    Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Awww Monday and week. ☺

  7. Siempre es interesante verlo. Besos.
