Busy attending to the queue of customers
Sony A7RV
FE 135mm f1.8 GM
Check out Candid 750
Melbourne Street Photography 101 is a black and white photo blog to encompass the candid photography in streets of Melbourne. Street people photography
Not sure what era is waxing the hair fashionable for men
Sony A7RV
FE 135mm f1.8 GM
Check out Candid 749
Indeed, I had not directed my focus upon them until their reaction drew my attention. I then decided to capture an image. My endeavor at that moment was to hone the technique of panning with moving automobiles.
Sony A7RV
FE 135mm f1.8 GM
Check out Candid 748
Sony A7RV
FE 50mm f1.2 GM
Check out Candid 747
Doomscrolling on the phone
Sony A7RV
FE 50mm f1.2 GM
Check out Candid 684
I wish every reader a very Merry Christmas!
Off Lonsdale St
A Greek festival is happening. Not much except a lot of souvlaki around
Panasonic G9
Leica 42.5mm f1.2
Check out old post Candid 39
Lonsdale St event - some sort of fairs where a guy is painting something funky on a canvas
Panasonic G9
Leica 12-60mm f2.8-4
Check out Candid 36 Candid photo 36 and Face Off Event