Subject isolation through a bright prime lens is such a good fun to shoot into the crowd.
Sony A7RV
FE 135mm f1.8 GM
Check out Candid 759
Melbourne Street Photography 101 is a black and white photo blog to encompass the candid photography in streets of Melbourne. Street people photography
Subject isolation through a bright prime lens is such a good fun to shoot into the crowd.
Sony A7RV
FE 135mm f1.8 GM
Check out Candid 759
Two young men talked to each other in Melbourne Central
Sony A7RV
FE 50mm f1.2 GM
Check out Candid 758
Upon these streets where souls do meet, In endless streams they place their feet, From every realm, all walks of life, They weave together, joy and strife.
With varied dreams and paths they've known, They tread the stones of urban throng, In this grand tapestry, untold, Their tales of wonder now unfold.
So rich the chorus, sweet and grand, Of life’s own symphony, unplanned, In streets where countless lives convene, A timeless dance, a living scene.
Sony A7RV
FE 50mm f1.2 GM
Check out Candid 757
He is a well-known figure on the streets of Melbourne, often singing loudly and embracing passersby with his sweat-soaked jumper. He also experiences vivid hallucinations, which he insists others believe.
Another man is also notable, fond of holding a large carrot toy aloft near the entrance of Flinders Street Station.
I ought to publish a series showcasing the renowned characters of the city streets.
Sony A7RV
FE 50mm f1.2 GM
Check out Candid 756
Fashion on the streets displays great variety.
I frequently employ wide-angle lenses, allowing me to openly capture images before passing pedestrians.
Sony A7RV
FE 50mm f1.2 GM
Check out Candid 755 and FACE OFF
The people at back actually browsed on laptop on the lawn
Sony A7RV
FE 135mm f1.8 GM
Check out Candid 754
In response to the bracing morning chill, the more sensitive residents of Melbourne are prompted to don additional layers of clothing.
Sony A7RV
FE 135mm f1.8 GM
Check out Candid 752
There appears to be an increased presence of delivery bicycles on the roads. According to recent news reports, the food delivery industry is experiencing a downturn in its business performance.
Sony A7RV
FE 50mm f1.2 GM
Check out Candid 751
Not sure what era is waxing the hair fashionable for men
Sony A7RV
FE 135mm f1.8 GM
Check out Candid 749
Indeed, I had not directed my focus upon them until their reaction drew my attention. I then decided to capture an image. My endeavor at that moment was to hone the technique of panning with moving automobiles.
Sony A7RV
FE 135mm f1.8 GM
Check out Candid 748
Sony A7RV
FE 50mm f1.2 GM
Check out Candid 747
This gentleman possesses a prominent abdominal girth akin to mine. Consequently, he is susceptible to metabolic syndrome. Additionally, he is yet another Melbourne resident attired in black.
Sony A7RV
FE 135mm f1.8 GM
Check out Candid 745
This middle-aged man walks a path of sorrow. It serves as a poignant reflection of our solitary venture into this world.
Sony A7RV
FE 135mm f1.8 GM
Check out Candid 744 and FACE OFF
His shirt resembled a splash of art—vivid, expressive, and striking. Yet, I recalled observing him as he directed his gaze toward a lady passing by along the footpath.
It's intriguing how attire can mirror one's inner world. A garment adorned with bold strokes and vibrant hues speaks volumes about the wearer's persona—perhaps a reflection of a creative spirit or a desire to stand out amidst the mundane.
Sony A7RV
FE 135mm f1.8 GM
Check out Candid 743
The gentleman strides briskly, his blazer billowing gracefully in the wind.
Sony A7RV
FE 50mm f1.2 GM
Check out Candid 742
Capturing photographs through the panes of a glass window can yield quite astonishing results.
Sony A7RV
FE 50mm f1.2 GM
Check out Candid 741
It is the same shop as featured in yesterday's post. The lady bears a peculiar expression, as if something tasted amiss. In this modern age, women are said to be more employed and independent than men.
It's fascinating to consider how societal roles have evolved over time. The notion that women are now more employed and independent than men reflects a significant shift in the economic and social fabric of our times
Sony A7RV
FE 50mm f1.2 GM
Check out Candid 740 and FACE OFF